...nothing can shake The Stardust Startup Factory! Along with the Spring announcement of microgrant awardees in mid-May (check Stardust's
Facebook/website and your inbox for the official list), Stardust is bringing you another issue of The Constellation: your monthly newsletter celebrating Stardust's many accomplishments!
In every issue we highlight a microgrant recipient and a Stardust Board/Advisory Board
member who offers keen insight into one of Stardust's focus areas of health, learning, and sustainability.
In this month's issue, we will focus on those that best exemplify the focus area of mental health!
You'll learn about Lilyanne Randal Smith, a long-time Advisory Board Member of The Stardust Startup Factory, whose interesting career and lifestyle choice makes for a great
Lilyanne's story is followed by the Stardust microgrant recipient Joslyn Richardson and her innovative project, The All Watch: a project thats deep symbolism fosters a powerful message of acceptance.