Stardust Exclusive! Release of eBook 3 in the Series AFGHANISTAN: Lessons in Situational Awareness eBook Series

Published: Sat, 12/10/16

Announcing the newest release in the Afghanistan eBook Series

eBook 3, Part 1: Being There

Ahead of schedule, the latest installment in the Series AFGHANISTAN: Lessons in Situational Awareness from a S.A.P. Deployed in the Civilian Surge is ready for your reading pleasure.  

If you already have access* to the eBook Series, go to the website and scroll down to eBook 3, Pt. 1.  Click the button to open the .pdf.


If you want to know more about the eBook Series or if you want to share the Series, please use the following link:
If you want the eBook Series order form, click here:

This action-packed, dark comedy of Jean's time in a combat zone is offered in a series of quick-read "book shots" that are perfect for those moments when you want to escape the holiday crazy for a whole other kind of crazy.

Proceeds from book sales support the Stardust-Startup Factory.     

Happy Holidays,  
Jean and Camille

(*Please send Jean an email ( if you need her to resend the access information!)

Laura Jean Palmer-Moloney & Camille Babington