Winter Update 2017

Published: Mon, 02/27/17

February's Stardust Community Meet-Up was a huge success!
On Sunday February 12th, The Stardust-Startup Factory held its first meet-up; what an
​​​​​​​amazing gathering of our community! The 35 attendees included Advisory Board and Board of Directors members in addition to a micro-grant recipient, NOVA Community College Honors Program faculty and interns, and Stardust inner circle friends and family.

Ms. Melissa LaReau, founder of Discover Unfold, gave a presentation to the group about the micro-grant application process and how the Stardust-Startup Factory support is helping Unfold in Uganda.
Thanks to Larissa Miller (pictured above), owner and lead massage therapist of Dynamic Integrations Wellness of Tyson's Corner, VA, for hosting the event. And thanks to Adam Wilkinson (DIW massage therapist) for the incredible chair massages he gave to attendees.

Thanks to all who came!
After an hour of informal "meet and greet", we gathered for the screening of our new video 'We Are Stardust" (see in next section).  This was followed by an engaging presentation by NOVA Honors Program Director Dr. Paul Fitzgerald and NOVA - Stardust intern Ms. Katya Naiman who joined us via video call from Toronto.
We concluded the meet-up with an hour of brainstorming activities to revisit and to clarify The Stardust-Startup Factory's mission and vision, starting with why we do what we do rather than "what" we do or "how" we do it.
Official release of 'We Are Stardust'

This short interview-based documentary-style film showcases the team of wonderful people behind The Stardust-Startup Factory and the story of how everything began back in September of 2015. One and a half year later, we're made huge progress and seen the dreams of five amazing innovators become reality (two, Josh and Tami, are featured in this video).

Make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay tuned for more content!
ABEM Digital Creations, LLC joins Stardust Partners

We're please to announce that ABEM Digital Creations, LLC is the new Digital Marketing Partner for Stardust!

When ABEM's Founder and President Angus Moloney died unexpectedly on September 26th, 2015, the company had a forced system shutdown.  Today, under the leadership of Angus's business partner (and mother) Dr. Laura Jean Palmer-Moloney, ABEM has rebooted and is back on-line!  ABEM continues to offer professional, personalized customer care now with new and expanded products and services.

ABEM is helping The Stardust-Startup Factory create and execute its digital marketing strategic plan.

ABEM Digital Creations, LLC is a premier provider of Market Research, Digital Marketing Services, and Funnel Development and Implementation to customers in the United States and Canada. Jean is a ClickFunnels Certified Partner and a "funnel hacker".
Stardust Community Meetup
McGill University Nonprofit & NGO Fair 
Sashka Avanyan and Camille Babington, two of our Advisory Board members, represented The Stardust-Startup Factory at at the McGill University Career Planning Service's 
Nonprofit & NGO Fair on February 1st. Stardust received a ton of interest from eager, volunteer-driven students as well as some grant-motivated individuals. It was a great experience and very exciting to expand the Stardust reach up to Canada. ​​​​​​​
Northern Virginia Community College - Honors Interns
Many thanks to Dr. Paul Fitzgerald for coordinating the Stardust - NOVA interns, 
and many thanks to Abrar, Katya, and Martha for their great work!
Meet Ms. Csilla Geygely - Our Google Ad Grant Support!
Many thanks to Ms. Csilla Geygely for taking the chance to get involved!  

Csilla is from Hungary and is currently living in Spain.  She is trilingual in Hungarian, Spanish and English, and has a business school degree.  Csilla worked for a major credit card business for 12 years.  Three years ago she started an online shop, making handcrafted rope jewelry from eco friendly cotton yarn.

The picture below is of an international Stardust conference call over Skype-- (top to bottom; left to right) Csilla in Spain, Camille in Montreal, Jean in North Carolina, and Katya in Toronto.

The Spring 2017 application deadline is in less than a month! If you are thinking about applying, remember to fill out the online form as well as send in your project presentation to Right now, we have about 20 online applications and 5 fully completed ones, ready to be reviewed and thrust into the selection process. 
Upcoming Stardust Events... be on the lookout!
  • April, NOVA Annandale Campus (exact date TBD) Meet-Up
  • September, Colorado (23rd, 24th) Meet-Up
  • September, St. Louis (exact date TBD) Golf Tournament
  • October, NYC & Montreal (exact date TBD) Meet-Ups
Optimism of Spring...

Spring is a time of hope and optimism and renewed energy as the days lengthen and the world (well, ok... thinking the northern hemisphere right now) begins to turn green after the gray and brown of winter.

In the midst of this unseasonably warm winter, it's curious to think about what the coming spring may bring.  Faster melting Arctic ice? Earlier than expected crops? Drought? Flooding? In the midst of climate change, it's fair to suggest that we don't yet know what we don't know.  

The innovative and inventive ideas of emerging entrepreneurs is needed now, more than ever!

"You can do the most good to people who need good the most... Help enough people get what they want and you'll get what you want."
                  -  Angus Moloney, from his notes on business success
Laura Jean Palmer-Moloney
Laura Jean Palmer-Moloney &
Camille Babington